Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_SHIPPING::SaveModuleSettings() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::SaveModuleSettings($settings = Array, $deleteFirst = true) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/operationladybug/public/shop/includes/classes/class.shipping.php on line 8

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Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_CHECKOUT_PROVIDER::GetPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/operationladybug/public/shop/includes/classes/class.checkoutprovider.php on line 827

Strict Standards: Declaration of ISC_COMMENTS::getPropertiesSheet() should be compatible with ISC_MODULE::GetPropertiesSheet($tab_id, $idGlobal, $jsGlobal, $jsSelectedFunction, $customVars = Array, $moduleId = NULL) in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/operationladybug/public/shop/includes/classes/class.comments.php on line 256
Laura’s Biography
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Laura’s Biography

Laura’s Biography

 Hello, my name is Laura C.  I am a fourteen year old girl whose goal is to help others.  Starting at the age of five, I have had a total of seven surgeries on my ear.  Each time I went to the hospital, I realized that my problems were small compared to most of the children at the hospital.  Being at the hospital for my surgeries made me realize that I wanted to help sick children in any way I could.  

I have donated my hair three times to Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children who lose their hair while undergoing chemotherapy.  I felt wonderful knowing that I helped someone who is sick.  One of these times when I donated my hair, I went on the Today Show.  Before I went, I held a Cut-A-Thon.  I collected ponytails of hair and I presented them to Ann Curry to donate to Locks of Love.  

When I see sick children, I always see a glimmer of hope in their eyes and they are always smiling. They are my inspiration.  A ladybug represents those children with hope.  A ladybug hopes to fly one day, just like sick children hope and dream to become better.  My hope and dream is to raise money to donate to my local children’s hospital that help sick children.

I have always wondered what will be my contribution to this world and I think I have found what I am supposed to do.  I would like to dedicate this website to all of those who have lost a child due to illness.  Thank you for every ones wonderful support and encouragement to make Operation Ladybug work.